• Returns a store, creates it if necessary.


    • Optional pinia: null | Pinia

      Pinia instance to retrieve the store

    • Optional hot: StoreGeneric

      dev only hot module replacement

    Returns Store<"babylon", _UnwrapAll<Pick<{
        instance: ShallowRef<undefined | {
            dispose: (() => void);
            engine: Engine;
            scene: Scene;
            vrmScene: Scene;
        setInstance: ((babylon) => void);
    }, "instance">>, Pick<{
        instance: ShallowRef<undefined | {
            dispose: (() => void);
            engine: Engine;
            scene: Scene;
            vrmScene: Scene;
        setInstance: ((babylon) => void);
    }, never>, Pick<{
        instance: ShallowRef<undefined | {
            dispose: (() => void);
            engine: Engine;
            scene: Scene;
            vrmScene: Scene;
        setInstance: ((babylon) => void);
    }, "setInstance">>


$id: "babylon"

Id of the store. Used by map helpers.

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